Sunday, March 29, 2020

Microsoft Typing Tutor Downloads

Microsoft Typing Tutor DownloadsMany individuals have decided to go ahead and use Microsoft typing tutor downloads because they know it will help them get their typing skills up to par. In fact, it's quite evident that there are a lot of individuals out there who lack the basic skill set required to type in their native tongue.Microsoft typing tutor downloads are available online. You can take advantage of these downloads by downloading some materials or courses from the internet. Not only will you be able to learn the basics of typing, but also, you'll learn the necessary tools and methods to manage a business and make it run smoothly.A single course or package of courses can cost thousands of dollars and up, making this option an expensive one. What if you don't have the money to purchase a whole package? What if you don't have a computer?If you're willing to pay a little bit more, then you can certainly learn Microsoft typing via the internet. There are many websites that offer fr ee download options, so all you have to do is find a website that offers a learning program and start downloading as many programs as you like.Microsoft typing tutor downloads are perfect for individuals who have never used a computer before. It can help you get your first steps into typing or at least understand the basics. You can even learn how to correct spelling mistakes.The great thing about using the internet is that you don't have to sign up with any companies to get your hands on a program. By simply downloading and installing the software onto your computer, you can start learning right away. If you have already learned the basics through watching a video, then you can simply download the lessons from the internet and start typing away.It doesn't matter if you don't have time to do an actual class - all you need to do is choose a time when you can learn everything at once. That way, you can start typing in your native language within minutes.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teach Away Telegram - February 2012

Teach Away Telegram - February 2012 February is coming to an end, but this year you have an extra day to plan your future teaching adventure! Taking a leap of faith by moving to a new country can be exciting, but it’s important to know how to dress for success abroad.In this month’s Teach Away Telegram, we bring you tips on how to dress for success as an English teacher overseas, info on how to cope with homesickness while living abroad, and our country spotlight features Korea.So take that extra day this February and start preparing for an exciting teaching career overseas!Happy reading! â€" The Teach Away TeamDressing for Success When Teaching AbroadWhen planning to work abroad one often thinks about the new sights, food, and culture of the destination country, but close attention should also be taken to local interpersonal relations. The ways you conduct yourself in public and in professional settings are important aspects to be considered when moving to a new country, and this includes your wardrobe choices!The re is no universal dress code for teachers and the written and unwritten rules of each country may be very different from what you are used to in your home country. While teaching in places such as Abu Dhabi, for example, you should be mindful of exposed shoulders and the length of your skirt (for women). Some countries in the Middle East might require women to wear a hijab headscarf, while teachers in Asia may be able to wear more casual clothing, especially if teaching young children.To make sure that your choice of clothing fits in with the classroom and working culture of your host country, follow these tips:Observe how your coworkers dress and follow a similar style.Check to see if the school has a specific dress code for teachers (private schools might require more formal and business oriented attire, such as suits for men).Dress comfortably but make sure your clothes are not revealing, and any visible tattoos are covered.Ask your Teach Away placement coordinator about the dre ss code at the school where you are going to work.Don’t wear the country’s traditional clothing to work unless there is a special celebration or event related to it. Traditional wear is usually reserved for special occasions such as weddings, tea ceremonies, etc.Coping with HomesicknessEmbarking on an adventure abroad can be very exciting, but after a few months the honeymoon period might be over and you could feel like you’re stuck in a bad marriage. Once the initial excitement dissipates it is normal to feel homesick, however, there are many ways to overcome this problem and make your experience abroad a memorable one.An effective way to cope with homesickness is to keep close contact with friends and family back home by phone, email, or Skype. Be careful not to rely solely on your support network in your home country though! By immersing yourself in the local culture you can start to make your host country feel more like home.Take part in local cultural events and make loca l friends â€" great ways to understand the local customs and feel more engaged in the community.You can also start writing a blog to record your experiences, post photos, and keep up with friends and family. Teach Away blogs are easy to use, and a fantastic way to remember your time abroad!Sign up hereCountry spotlight: KoreaThe Republic of Korea is located on the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in Eastern Asia. Whether you are looking for the hustle and bustle of a big city, or a tranquil lifestyle in a rural area, Korea has a lot to offer.The Korean economy is the third largest in Asia and its capital and largest city, Seoul, is a modern and cosmopolitan city with an extensive subway system, many different types of cuisine, and a diverse and intense nightlife. In the countryside you can find a more serene lifestyle where temples and mountains are everywhere you look and people enjoy a more slow-paced lifestyle.Korea offers some of the best ESL teaching positions in Asia. All positions offer free accommodations, roundtrip airfare, and an excellent salary. There are monthly start dates available to teach in Korea, check out our teaching jobs board and join our Teach Away Community to learn more from other teachers’ experiences.

Tips From an Irvine English Tutor 5 Writing Tips

Tips From an Irvine English Tutor 5 Writing Tips Tips From an Irvine English Tutor: 5 Tips to Help You be a Great Student Writer Tips From an Irvine English Tutor: 5 Tips to Help You be a Great Student Writer Communicating in the written word is one of the most essential skills that any student can have regardless of their grade level. However, it’s especially important for college prep students to master the art of writing so they can produce a killer personal statement, write a fabulous SAT or ACT essay, and produce high quality writing in general from research papers to basic emails. Many students love to write and will focus on the written word with ease, however most students suffer from a long-term case of writers block (which is very common) and may procrastinate when it comes to improving writing skills. Here are a few tips from an Irvine English tutor that students, regardless of their current skill level, can practice to improve upon their writing ability. 1. Use practice writing prompts Students who wait to work with the writing prompt that is given to them by an AP exam, or the SAT or ACT, may find themselves entirely overwhelmed. As a way to avoid this type of anxious writer’s block, students are encouraged to practice responding to prompts that don’t emit the pressure that a standardized exam would. Practice makes perfect in many things and this certainly holds true when it comes to writing. The more a student writes the more they become comfortable and confident as a writer, thus making their quality and flow better with time (Read: 4 Last Minute Things to do Before Going Back to School). 2. Read works from the great writers of the past (but also focus on modern writers) Students are usually introduced to the great books list and famous writers of the past within the school environment. However, students will need to write informally in many situations and this style of writing isn’t generally found in historic literature.   In order to be a good writer, both formally and informally, students are encouraged to read text and periodicals from modern writers. These could come in the form of a nonfiction book, blog, newspaper, or magazine. Basically, the more students read the more they’re likely to become a skilled writer. 3. Write about something you know and like Students are encouraged to write about things they know about when they are attempting to improve upon their skill and ability. For example, the student could write about their passion for skateboarding or surfing rather than discuss why they would like to attend a particular university. Although this later prompt will eventually be something everyone will have to write about, it’s not the first thing they have to learn. Students are encouraged to write about things they know about when they are attempting to improve upon their skill and ability. For example, the student could write about their passion for skateboarding or surfing rather than discuss why they would like to attend a particular university. Although this later prompt will eventually be something everyone will have to write about, it’s not the first thing they have to learn (READ: 5 Reads Students Should Blog). 4. Write now, edit later Many students get overwhelmed trying to write a “perfect” essay or passage. This will generate very few sentences written over a very long period of time. A better way to start out is to simply write. Students shouldn’t be concerned with typos, misspellings, grammar errors, or even content in the first draft. Once they have the initial draft down, they can edit for content and then later edit for grammar. As with most good writers, it’s better to write now and edit later. 5. Get some constructive criticism Another great way for students to learn what direction they need to take their writing in is to get some constructive criticism. They can ask their teacher to talk with them after school, consult a tutor, or join a writing club. It’s important for students to talk to somebody who has experience in the field so they can understand how to go about getting their thoughts across in a concise and effective manner. In Short Writing is one of the most important skills students can have. Regardless of a person’s future career choice or major field of study, written communication is an essential part of education and life in general. Students who take the time to improve their writing skills in high school have a better chance of being accepted to a college on their top 10 list and will also have a better chance of communicating with potential colleagues, professors, supervisors, and friends. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon

How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon Like many young Canadian boys, Patani is in love with the sport of hockey. He started playing at the age of five and the rest was history. Today he is an elite player with aspirations of playing in the National Hockey League. Patani is also an elite Kumon Student. He has received the Best of the Best Award in Calgary, Canada, which recognizes Kumon Students studying at least three years above their current school grade level. At 12 years old, Patani is studying calculus. Quite the feat for someone who isn’t even in high school yet. Patani credits much of his success on the ice to his studies in Kumon. He tells us about his journey and provides advice for other Kumon Students. How has Kumon helped you outside the classroom? Kumon has taught me a number of life skills, which I’m able to apply in school, but also outside of the classroom. These skills include time management, determination, perseverance, independence, and organization. Most importantly, I learned to always make good decisions. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learn in Kumon thus far? Kumon has helped me learn that you can’t avoid work that you haven’t finished. It has taught me to plan more strategically, so I’m not trying to cram last minute. How important is it to stay consistent with Kumon year-round? It is important to create a sustainable plan that allows you to continue to progress in Kumon. Keep in mind that some levels are easier than others and some may take more time than others. Account for that extra time. It’s also important to realize that your schedule is busier at different points in the year. As an elite hockey player, I’m very busy in the winter. I made the mistake of falling behind one year and I vowed to never let it happen again. Do you have any tips for year-round study? Make Kumon a priority! Allot a specific time of the day to do your work and stick with it. Designate a support system that will encourage you to stay on track. Take advantage of the summer schedule and complete extra worksheets. If you know you have vacations planned, try to do extra work before the trips. With his determination and perseverance, we have no doubt that Patani will continue to succeed in the classroom. The question isâ€"will he become the next Wayne Gretzky or Sidney Crosby? We look forward to following his success on the ice! Keep up the great work Patani! Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Young Hockey Player is Making Strides On and Off The Ice This 14-Year-Old Has a Dream of Working in the National Hockey League This Aspiring Diplomat Learned to Never Give Up THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon How this Aspiring Hockey Pro Applies What He Learned from Kumon Like many young Canadian boys, Patani is in love with the sport of hockey. He started playing at the age of five and the rest was history. Today he is an elite player with aspirations of playing in the National Hockey League. Patani is also an elite Kumon Student. He has received the Best of the Best Award in Calgary, Canada, which recognizes Kumon Students studying at least three years above their current school grade level. At 12 years old, Patani is studying calculus. Quite the feat for someone who isn’t even in high school yet. Patani credits much of his success on the ice to his studies in Kumon. He tells us about his journey and provides advice for other Kumon Students. How has Kumon helped you outside the classroom? Kumon has taught me a number of life skills, which I’m able to apply in school, but also outside of the classroom. These skills include time management, determination, perseverance, independence, and organization. Most importantly, I learned to always make good decisions. What is the most beneficial thing you’ve learn in Kumon thus far? Kumon has helped me learn that you can’t avoid work that you haven’t finished. It has taught me to plan more strategically, so I’m not trying to cram last minute. How important is it to stay consistent with Kumon year-round? It is important to create a sustainable plan that allows you to continue to progress in Kumon. Keep in mind that some levels are easier than others and some may take more time than others. Account for that extra time. It’s also important to realize that your schedule is busier at different points in the year. As an elite hockey player, I’m very busy in the winter. I made the mistake of falling behind one year and I vowed to never let it happen again. Do you have any tips for year-round study? Make Kumon a priority! Allot a specific time of the day to do your work and stick with it. Designate a support system that will encourage you to stay on track. Take advantage of the summer schedule and complete extra worksheets. If you know you have vacations planned, try to do extra work before the trips. With his determination and perseverance, we have no doubt that Patani will continue to succeed in the classroom. The question isâ€"will he become the next Wayne Gretzky or Sidney Crosby? We look forward to following his success on the ice! Keep up the great work Patani! Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Young Hockey Player is Making Strides On and Off The Ice This 14-Year-Old Has a Dream of Working in the National Hockey League This Aspiring Diplomat Learned to Never Give Up THIS KUMON STUDENT HAS A BLACK BELT IN TAEKWONDO AND APPLIES SELF-LEARNING IN HER EVERY DAY ROUTINE

Get Help With Organic Chemistry at Your Local Campus

Get Help With Organic Chemistry at Your Local CampusIf you are a high school senior interested in studying organic chemistry at the University of Minnesota, there is a solution that will save you time and money. If you are currently taking an organic chemistry class and are having difficulty making progress, then it may be time to look into joining a Minnesota State University's Math Tutor Program. With this program, you will get the practical training that is required for organic chemistry at your local campus and will be able to have your research paper due by the end of the semester.Organic chemistry is one of the most important subjects for those who are in college as it is necessary to know all the basic chemical reactions and the way the elements react with each other. In fact, it is imperative that students understand the structure of molecules and that it is possible to put those structures back together again. The reaction between any two elements creates molecules that are identical to the original molecule, but can cause changes to occur. There are even some reactions that can change one element into another one.Many teachers insist that chemistry is taught at a high level. However, if a student cannot understand the chemistry because they did not get the study material from a tutor, they are actually causing themselves to suffer. Organic chemistry classes often include equations, demonstration in labs, notes, handouts, and lectures.Each student will have their own resources that they will use throughout the semester. For example, a student will use a graphing calculator to figure out a problem. A second student might have a chemistry guide book, lab book, or sheet. These resources are needed to stay on track with their classmates as well as helping to memorize the process of learning.When you enroll in a tutor, you will find that they are available on a number of different occasions. They can be set up to help any level of student that is interested in getting better at the subject. They may even have a private tutor that will help those that are having difficulties.Because they will be working with many students, you will want to make sure that the tutor is well-versed in the material. The reason that there are many tutors is that some students will simply not have the time to take organic chemistry at the university level. Others will have other commitments that need to be taken care of. If you are working and taking care of other matters, then a tutor is important for those moments when you can come in and work on problems.While you are considering the cost of going to a MSU, think about the experience that you will gain. By having a tutor, you will have someone that will take your organic chemistry and make it successful. Having a tutor makes it easier to remember the chemical reactions, and to keep notes when problems arise.

Algebra 2 Chapter 7 Help - How To Solve Algebra Problems Without A Book

Algebra 2 Chapter 7 Help - How To Solve Algebra Problems Without A BookIf you've had enough of struggling with algebra and want to know how to solve algebra problems without a book then you should check out chapter 7 help. It is one of the chapters you will find on any good practice test book and you should know that it isn't a difficult one to get through. However, what you really need to understand is the nature of algebra and why you need to understand all its aspects before you tackle problems in class.Algebra is the very basis of mathematics and it is this foundation that allow us to apply mathematics to solve many different problems. So, if you are going to be doing any problem solving in school then algebra must be one of the topics which you must first tackle. This is because in an algebra class you will be required to solve problems relating to algebra, problems which require you to use algebra to solve.So, if you're reading this then you probably want to know how you can fi nd such chapters. The best way to find them is to try a practice test which is usually available for most types of tests and which has sample problems in the course. I would recommend using the multiple choice portion of these tests because there you have more options that will allow you to learn from each problem. If you struggle to learn from a single problem then I would recommend looking at more than one problem at a time because every problem is different and requires a different approach.After you have found the chapter you are looking for, you should look over the chapter to see if it contains any information which you should take note of. This may not seem like much, but you'll discover that by focusing on a single chapter you will make sure that you remember everything that you learn about algebra.The next thing you should do is to work out the best ways you can incorporate the information into your studying. The best way to start is to focus on the first few chapters and t ry to learn as much as you can from each one. Once you feel that you have grasped the most important bits then move onto the next chapter.The next step is to write everything down and see where the information fits in. Once you have done this you will know exactly how to make sure that you do understand every part of the chapter.Once you have managed to go through all of the chapters and you have done the above mentioned steps, you will be able to tackle problems and complete them successfully. Make sure that you take your time to do this so that you can really master algebra and learn how to solve problems without a book.

Find French Lessons in Belfast

Find French Lessons in Belfast Opportunities to Learn French in the Capital of Northern Ireland ChaptersWhy Bother Learning French?Starting Out on a French Course.Belfast’s Language-Learning Scene.There’s really nothing better than the ability to speak a foreign language. I don’t know about you, but when a friend starts trilling out in a second language, showing off their language skills, there’s nothing that I’d like to be able to do more.But we in the UK are particularly â€" dare we say notoriously â€" stubborn in our reluctance to speak other languages. We expect â€" perhaps rudely, but definitely understandably â€" that most people around the world speak a bit of English. And, consequently, that great motivator of effort, necessity, is sort of removed: we end up not really bothering with different languages because we don’t really need to.But really, this is a great big unfortunate lie, and, frankly, it makes us look a little bad in the eyes of the world. We go on holiday to Italy, say, and the way we communicate with locals is to say things increasingly loudly and repeatedly or else to point dumbly. Sure, it works, more often than not, but we end blushing and feeling like a bit daft.It needs, therefore, to be pressed upon us that learning languages is a good thing â€" a brilliant thing, like really one of the best things. And so, we beg you, let’s get going! And, sure, aim for fluency, but the benefits of learning a language don’t come just from that. The process of learning is an incredibly important one too.So, why not learn French? We’re guessing, if you’re here, that you are based in Belfast. But, if you are not, we have articles on French language classes in London and on French courses in Edinburgh too.You can't fully appreciate France if you don't know French. AnnieFrench Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolineFrench Teacher 5.00 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriFrench Teacher 5.00 (9) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarianneFrench Teacher 5.00 (8) £3 0/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThibautFrench Teacher 5.00 (3) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickFrench Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DéborahFrench Teacher 5.00 (10) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamyFrench Teacher 5.00 (2) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Bother Learning French?The benefits of learning a new language is not just about being able to use foreign words â€" although this has some value in itself. Learning foreign languages helps the brain and the community in a whole host of ways.Let’s start with the brain. There have been a whole load of studies recently that link the process of learning a different language â€" and the resulting bilingualism â€" to a decrease in the chance of developing Alzheimer’s later in life. Honestly, this seems like quite a good reason to join a language school in itself. But beyond that, there is a lot of research that shows that language le ssons only go to make a language student cleverer per se. It simply helps your cognition.Beyond this, learning a language allows you to unlock a different culture. In many ways, language and culture are so deeply entwined that the process of language studies brings you a different perspective on life. It promotes harmony among diversity and shows that you have made an effort to understand the world around you.And, simply, being able to speak another language lets you communicate with more people. You have a greater pool of potential friends, business clients, and acquaintances. You don’t even need to be fluent for this to be true.The Particular Perks of Learning French.In terms of French specifically, the same points stand alongside a whole host of others.Perhaps the most important is the influence that French culture has had upon that of Britain. From food to French literature to fashion, to politics and trade. There isn’t really an aspect of British life that hasn’t been tou ched in some way by our neighbours. And that includes the English language, which is the way it is because of the historical influence of France.However, today, French remains an important world language spoken by hundreds of millions of people on all continents of the world. It is an international language of trade and politics, and it is a culture that still commands many aspects of cultural life around the globe. It’s hugely important â€" and it remains one of the most popular languages to learn.Appreciate Paris more with your knowledge of French.Starting Out on a French Course.But how do you go about starting to learn a new language? What do you need to know before you set out on your language course? When you walk into French class and one of the French teachers says ‘bonjour!’, what on earth are you expected to say in response?People have a lot of worries about starting on a language program. And whilst this is understandable, it needn’t be paralysing.Whether you are s tarting a French language course to brush up on your grammatical knowledge of tenses etc, or whether you are at completely the beginner level just hoping to learn basic French, the French teacher will know how to deal with you. You’ll probably take a placement test to understand your level and be placed in a class accordingly.Remember, if you are learning, there is no reason to feel ashamed about not knowing everything!Find French language training in Glasgow or French conversation programs in Cardiff whilst you are here!Belfast’s Language-Learning Scene.Belfast is an incredibly diverse city with over ninety languages spoken in schools across the area. It’s an incredibly, and increasingly, international city, and this makes for the perfect conditions for learning a different language.There is a sizeable French community in Northern Ireland too. So, if you are looking for a bit of French culture alongside your linguistic learning, you’re in a for a bit of a treat. You’re lu cky to be in Belfast!Let’s take a look at some of the options for learning French in your city.Do a Degree in French at Queen’s University Belfast.If you are a school kid who is thinking about the next stage in your educational journey, you may want to consider studying French â€" or another modern language â€" at university. And there is no better university in Belfast that Queen’s.A language degree will be an opportunity to develop a really rigorous knowledge of your subject â€" delving into the breadth of French linguistics, and studying French literature, film, history and culture at the same time. It’s a wonderfully broad course to do, setting you up for a career in education, travel, translation, or international politics.And there’s the great bonus denied to many other students. You can study abroad for a year as part of your course. This immersion experience is one of the best things about any language course at university â€" and it may well be one of the most unf orgettable experiences of your life.Take Community French Lessons at Crescent Arts.For those a little less interested in dedicating their life to the subject, there are plenty of options for casual learning across the city too. The French lessons offered by Crescent Arts are one such option â€" an option among many different educational cultural and arts offerings.Based on the University Road, Crescent Arts offers French classes for people of all levels. And whilst they offer casual conversation classes, they also provide more formal educational sessions too. It depends which one appeals to you the most!Regardless, lessons usually take place in the evening, and can be booked in blocks of many weeks.Learning French is an excellent experience.Try Conversational French Classes with the Belfast Frenchie Club.Conversation classes are an increasingly popular way of learning a different language. Rather than staring up at the whiteboard, or learning verb tables, this style of class is all about communication.Whatever your level, you are invited to speak exclusively in French. And yes, whilst this might seem scary, it’s an absolutely wonderful way to force yourself to learn the language.Give it a go with the Belfast Frenchie Club.Find Yourself a Dedicated Private French Tutor at Superprof.Whilst language classes can provide a great opportunity for socialising and fun â€" and whilst there are definitely benefits of learning with peers â€" many people can struggle in group classes. There can be little opportunity to speak, and people find that the class is rarely moving at just the right pace for them: they can be overwhelmed if the class moves too quickly, or bored if it is too slow.And it is these sorts of reservations which are making more and more people choose private tuition. A private tutor can provide bespoke, personalised teaching which matches the speed of the student’s needs, whilst focusing on the student’s particular strengths, weaknesses, and interes ts. They are also a lot more flexible in terms of scheduling too.At Superprof, we host tutors in over a thousand subjects (we work with over seven million tutors across the world!). And our wonderfully passionate and committed tutors can help you to develop your knowledge in precisely the way that works for you.In Belfast, there are over thirty private tutors available to teach you French. The average price is £19 an hour â€" however, if you still have doubts, the first lesson is free!If you live elsewhere, maybe our articles on French language courses in Birmingham or on French classes in Leeds could be helpful!